Master of Divinity
Course schedule and requirements for the Founders Seminary MDiv degree.
Master of Divinity
The Master of Divinity (MDiv) is the foundational degree for pastoral training, designed to equip future pastors with the essential tools for faithful and effective ministry. This comprehensive program provides rigorous training in biblical studies, theology, church history, preaching, pastoral care, and leadership.
The MDiv focuses on preparing students to rightly handle the Word of God, shepherd the people of God, and engage the world with the truth of the gospel. Rooted in a commitment to the authority and sufficiency of Scripture, this degree aims to develop the character, competence, and conviction necessary for pastoral ministry.
As the standard preparation for those pursuing a calling to pastoral leadership, the MDiv lays the groundwork for a lifetime of preaching, teaching, and discipling God’s people in the local church.
Founders Seminary is a residential program for qualified men that includes a unique mentorship program and rigorous academic courses.
Students over 25 years old who have not completed a Bachelor of Arts degree (or equivalent) may enroll in the program as a Bachelor of Arts in Theology student.

Program Overview
Courses and credits
101 Credit Hours
Biblical Theology – 22 Units
BT410 Biblical Theology (2)
BT501 Pentateuch (2)
BT502 Historical Books (2)
BT600 Hebrew Wisdom Literature (2)
BT700 Major Prophets (2)
BT701 Minor Prophets (2)
BT503 Matthew and Mark (2)
BT504 Luke and Acts (2)
BT601 Pauline Corpus (2)
BT702 General Epistles (2)
BT703 Johannine Corpus (2)
Bible Interpretation – 21 Units
BINT-HERM400 Hermeneutics (3)
BINT-HBRW500 Hebrew 1 (3)
BINT-HBRW501 Hebrew 2 (3)
BINT-HBRW600 Hebrew 3 (3)
BINT-GREEK500 Greek 1 (3)
BINT-GREEK501 Greek 2 (3)
BINT-GREEK600 Greek 3 (3)
Applied Theology – 18 Units
(each class will require
church evaluation and involvement)
ATH500 Ecclesiology (3)
ATH530 Pastoral Theology (3)
ATH600 Political Theology (3)
ATH650 Preaching 1 (Logic and Rhetoric) (2)
ATH710 Cultural Apologetics (2)
ATH800 Preaching 2 Workshop (2)
ATH810 Preaching 3 Lab (3)
Systematic Theology – 21 Units
STH500 Philosophy for Theology (2)
STH600 Prolegomena, Bibliology, Symbolics (3)
STH601 Theology Proper (3)
STH602 Anthropology (2)
STH603 Christology (3)
STH604 Pneumatology/Angelology (2)
STH700 Soteriology (3)
STH701 Eschatology (3)
Church History – 13 Units
CH400 Patristic Fathers (3)
CH450 Middle Ages (2)
CH500 Reformation (3)
CH600 Puritans (3)
CH700 Modern Era (2)
3 Electives (2 Units each)
Theology Worldview and Ethics
The Modern Self
Biblical Counseling
Law and Gospel
101 Units Total
(Including weekly mentorship with elders at Grace Baptist Church)
Program Overview
Program Matriculation Track (Four Years)
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | |
Fall | BT 410 – Biblical Theology (2) | TH601 Theology Proper (3) | BT600 Hebrew Wisdom Literature (2) | ATH710 Cultural Apologetics (2) |
BINT-GREEK 300 – Greek Grammar 1 (3) | ATH600 Political Theology (3) | BT601 Pauline Corpus (2) | ATH800 Preaching 2 Workshop (2) | |
CH400 – Church Fathers (3) | BINT-GREEK 500 – Expositing the New Testament (3) | BINT-HBRW 300 – Expositing the Old Testament (3) | BT701 Minor Prophets (2) | |
TH500 – Philosophy for Theology (2) | BINT-HBRW 211 – Hebrew Grammar 1 (3) | TH603 Christology (3) | BT703 Johannine Corpus (2) | |
BINT-HERM 400 – Hermeneutics (3) | BT502 Historical Books (2) | ATH650 Preaching 1 (Logic and Rhetoric) (2) | Elective 1 (2) | |
TH604 Pneumatology/Angelology (2) | ||||
Spring | TH600 – Prolegomena/Bibliology/Symbolics (3) | TH602 Anthropology (2) | TH700 Soteriology (3) | CH700 Modern Era (2) |
BT501 Pentateuch (2) | BT504 Luke and Acts (2) | BT700 Major Prophets (2) | TH701 Eschatology (3) | |
BT503 Matthew and Mark (2) | BINT-HBRW 232 – Hebrew Grammar 2 (3) | BT702 General Epistles (2) | Elective 2 (2) | |
ATH500 Ecclesiology (3) | CH500 Reformation (3) | CH600 Puritans (3) | Elective 3 (2) | |
BINT-GREEK 400 – Greek Grammar 2 (3) | ATH530 Pastoral Theology (3) | CH450 Middle Ages (2) | ATH810 Preaching 3 Lab (3) |